We are pleased to share a message from Janet Shell, who joined us this week to deliver a session on Voice Management and Communication to this year’s e-Q trainee teachers…

This time last year, Janet visited us to deliver a similarly themed session for you, the class of ’23. Janet wanted to send a special message just for you all, which you can hear by watching the 1-min video below. We are also pleased to share Janet’s full session delivered to this year’s cohort, which you are welcome to watch in its entirety or toshare with colleagues:

A message from Janet Shell for e-Q alumni:

Talking voice: Full training session:

You can learn more about Janet’s Voice Management work and access additional resources at

As always, do feel free to get in touch by reply if you have any updates, resources or classroom photos/videos you’d like to share via the website with  us and your fellow alumni.

In the meantime, we wish you all the best for 2024 and the rest of your ECT year 😊