Following our recent Alumni Cam video, here is 2023 eQ Alumna Cara Paul’s response to our challenge to share her classroom set-up with us…

Cara, who completed her teacher training in 2022/23 at Weston Favell Primary School, is now in her ECT year at the school in Northampton.  In her own words, she introduced the series of Alumni Cam photos included below:

“Throughout the school we use natural displays and lots of plants. I’ve given each of my tables names and each child has a job at their table, whether that be ‘pencil patrol’ (sharpening pencils) or book monitor (handing out books for that table). 

English and maths books are organised in table groups as we use them daily this ensures that the book monitors know exactly where they go. 

I have organised resources, so they are easily accessible and each table has its own tray for maths. Each maths tray is equipped for everything a child might need in that lesson.”

Thank you so much to Cara for sharing her classroom set-up photos with us; we’re sure you’ll agree that this is a great set-up with excellent organisational and subject-specific ideas.

If you’d like to share your eQ Alumni cam photos or video with your fellow alumni, please do contact us via